What Are The Advantages Between Different Types of Dental Sedation?

Questioning Dental Implant Patient

You deserve to feel comfortable at every dental appointment, whether you are undergoing a routine checkup or having dental implant placement surgery. For that reason, leading edge dentists in Mission Viejo, CA offer a variety of dental sedation options! Having several options allows your dentist to choose the right one for your treatment and history, allowing you to have a more rewarding experience with every visit. 

Below are five common types of dental sedation. Some can be used in combination. Others work perfectly well on their own. Your dentist will advise you on which options make sense during your next visit or procedure.


Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)

Used for many years in the dental industry, nitrous oxide is a colorless, naturally odorless gas. When you breathe it in, it quickly goes into your bloodstream through your lungs. Even though your remain fully conscious and functional, you feel a bit giddy and relaxed. Nitrous oxide is ideal for patients who need a calming agent for a routine procedure, or for those with dental anxiety.

Local Anesthetic

Have you ever had a cavity treated by your dentist? You probably were given an injection to numb the area around the tooth. This is called a local anesthetic, and it may be used in conjunction with nitrous oxide, particularly among those with a fear of needles. Local anesthetics wear off soon after injection, letting you get comfortable treatment without any fuss.

Oral Sedation

What happens if you tend to have high anxiety in terms of dental treatment? You may be a strong candidate for oral sedatives. These anti-anxiety medications will be given to you upon arrival at your appointment. After taking them, you will wait about 30 minutes to an hour for them to take effect. Oral sedatives bring down your stress. However, they can leave you groggy. This means you will need a driver if you are given oral sedatives by your dentist.

IV Sedation

As the name implies, IV sedation involves sending painkillers into you through your veins. You will be monitored during IV sedation to ensure you feel no pain. IV sedation causes somewhat of a “twilight amnesia” effect. You will remain responsive during your treatment, but you will not remember much, if any, of it later. You will need a driver after undergoing IV sedation, as this sedation option makes you sleepy.

General Anesthesia

When you are scheduled to undergo more extensive dental surgeries, or you have extreme dental phobia, you may prefer general anesthesia. While under general anesthesia, you will be completely asleep. At our office, oral surgeon – Dr. Michael Clark – is trained and credentialed to deliver general anesthesia for patients. He has placed more than 10,000 dental implants during his career, and frequently recommends general anesthesia to ensure safe, effective and comfortable placement of single and multiple implants.


Which Dental Sedation Works for You?

If you’re interested in finding out which type of dental sedation will bring about the best chances of success for your upcoming treatment, speak with our dentists, Dr. Michael K. Clark and Dr. Ashkan Haeri, in our office in Mission Viejo, CA. Or, if you’re looking for an oral surgeon for advice on receiving dental implants in southern California, call our office at (949) 751-1579 to schedule a consultation!

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